"Choose you this day whom you will serve....as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." - Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sermon Notes

I mentioned earlier a sermon that Bro. Matt preached last Sunday on the recession. This sermon put everything into a Godly perspective. I wanted to share the sermon outline.

"The Economic Recession, Our Heart, Anxiety, and the Kingdom of God"
Luke 12:13-34
Observation #1: The economic recession we are currently experiencing is a gift of grace from God for our souls.
Observation #2: Jesus is more concerned about the condition of our hearts than settling little disputes.
Observation #3: Anxiety is our hearts over the future is directly tied to God not having full reign over our lives.
Observation #4: The new heart Jesus is aiming for is one that sees and values Him above all things, instead of using Him to get things.
I would encourage anyone who wants to hear this message to check it out at http://web.me.com/wbconline/main/media.html.

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