"Choose you this day whom you will serve....as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." - Joshua 24:15

Friday, November 13, 2009


Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away. Man, where has the year gone? I got a laugh out of someone's post on Facebook yesterday talking about how they feel sorry for Thanksgiving because everyone seems to just overlook it. We go straight from Halloween to Christmas and poor old Thanksgiving just seems to be forgotten. I think it is because we don't "get" anything on Thanksgiving. For Halloween we get candy and on Christmas we get presents, but on Thanksgiving, we just get another meal. Granted, it is a big meal, and usually followed up with a deep sleep, but it's not the same. Anyway, I thought I would take the time and list some of the things I am thankful for this year. I am shooting from the hip, but here goes.

First of all, I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without him, I would be forever doomed. Because of his death on the cross, I can have eternal life in heaven. Thank you Jesus.

Next, I am thankful for my beautiful daughter Kaylin Reese. She is that breath of fresh air when I seem to be suffocating. She is the extra ray of light when all around me seems dim. I love her more than anyone could ever imagine. She is the best gift I have ever received. (Isn't funny that the best gifts we can receive come from God)

I am thankful for my always loving, always supporting, always gorgeous wife Mollie. She is my best friend and faithful companion. I don't deserve all she has done for me, especially in the last year.

I am thankful for my health. In a year when sickness has stuck the world, I have managed to somehow stay healthy. Thank you Lord for my health.

I am thankful for a family that loves me. There are so many people in the world today who just want to feel loved. I don't have that concern and for that I am extremely thankful.

I am thankful for:

-my home
-my job
-my church
-my friends
-my blessings

Well, that is my list, or at least all that has come to my mind right now. I am sure that there are some things I have failed to mention, but it happens when trying to do these kind of things. Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Until next time!

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